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Featured Cello Teachers Near NYC, New York

4050   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Cello lessons in NYC, New York . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Isabella P

Instruments: Cello

I aim to tailor my lesson plans to each students unique goals. The methods I use differ based on each persons aspirations and learning habits. I believe that the cello can be a beneficial addition to anyones life, whether it is being played for recreation/therapy, to explore and enjoy great music, or to challenge oneself and build discipline through rigorous practice. I like to use the first few Suzuki and Schroeder books for complete beginners to introduce basic bowing and intonation concepts while building confidence with the cello. Read More

Martha S

Instruments: Cello

I am sensitive to the musical tastes of my students and try to cater to them. Most are very happy with Alwin Schroeder Foundation Studies, Carl Schroder Violoncello Method and the Suzuki Books. Others are also interested in folk or pop-Disney movie music, The Lord of the Rings, Beatles Songs, various ethnic music or personal favorites. It is a joyous moment when a student is ready to begin their study of the Bach Unaccompanied Cello Suites! Read More

Christopher D

Instruments: Piano Violin Cello Viola Electric Violin Fiddle

For beginner students, I use the Essential Elements for strings (books 1 and 2). In conjunction with these books, I select a repertoire that corresponds with their current abilities, and work my way up from there. For adults and more advanced students, I use various technical studies such as Sevcik, Kreutzer, and Rode, and standard Rep using the International editions. Regardless of the age or skill level, I always strive to maintain constant engagement and motivation throughout my lessons, whether online or in person. Read More

Kaila C

Instruments: Violin Cello Viola Double Bass

I am a violinist of 20 years, originally from New Haven, CT. My passion for helping each student reach his or her highest potential has led me to an extensive career in public school teaching. I have taught violin, viola, cello, and double bass privately for over 10 years. I have spent the last 5 years focusing on reaching students of all abilities through teaching in the public classroom- working with students of all ages, and teaching general music, band, and orchestra. Read More

Melody G

Instruments: Cello

I have been teaching for over 10 years. I have experience teaching students of all levels and ages. I have taught for a number of institutions in the New York City metro-area, including The Harmony Program, Tone Academy of Music, Hunter Elementary Music School, MusicWise, Silver Music School, Brooklyn Conservatory and I currently hold a private studio at my home and travel to my students homes. Before moving to NYC, I was a substitute teacher for the New England Conservatory of Music Preparatory School. Read More

Lauren B

Instruments: Piano Violin Cello Viola

For young piano students, I useJohn Thompson's Easiest Piano Course and A Dozen a Day. For adults, I like to useAlfred's Basic Adult Piano Course for a lesson book. I use various books for additional songs or technique depending upon a student's interests and abilities. I like to use different types of music - classical, traditional, pop, modern, etc. For strings, I like to use String Builder, Suzuki, and other method and etude books. Read More

Melanie Z

Instruments: Piano Voice Violin Cello Viola

Violin/Viola: String Builder, Strictly Strings, Introducing Positions, Wohlfahrt, Sitt, Kayser, Fiorillo,Kreutzer, Flesch, etc. Cello: String Builder, Strictly Strings, Introducing Positions, Klengel, Popper, etc. Piano: Thompson's Methods, Piano Pieces for Children, Alfred's scales and arpeggio exercizes Voice: Vocalises, 24 Italian songs and arias, Vaccai, Marchesi, Lutgen, supplemental exercizes, English, German, Italian, andFrench diction. Read More

Teacher In Spotlight

John K

Instruments: Guitar Cello Synthesizer Accordion Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

Did you have a teacher that inspired you to go into music? How did they inspire you?
I have been very lucky to have many great teachers and musicians that have inspired me. I think the teachers that have meant the most to me have been able to recognize the person that I am and keep me motivated and focused. I have been as lucky as anyone in finding people that I have been able to relate to and understand how important music has been in my life. I think that it is a unifying force in the world and teachers have given me insight into what it means to be a part of that and continue its legacy.

When will I start to see results?
I believe that music can be learned quickly. However usually students get out what they put in. I'm confident that I can get results at a fast pace. It does require getting used to how the student learns. The teacher always has to adjust to the student and analyze what is working and what isn't working. I think that immediate results are possible if the right amount of work and the attentiveness of the teacher are one and the same. I would like for all of my students to learn quickly but music people learn music at different paces.

How do I know if my child is ready to start lessons?
I think that it varies according to instrument. I think that if the chid has a desire to learn then they can start. I also think that it is difficult to know if a child is ready. Generally, if the child is able to put in some work, a lot of other aspects that might get in the way can be overcome. It's very important that a child does not strain himself or herself but generally I don't think that happens if the teacher is paying proper attention to the development of the student. Many aspects of playing music that might be ostensibly difficult can be fixed.

What advice do you have about practicing effectively?
I think it's the teachers job to keep effective practice happening. I also think that for students that are just beginning music that quality is more important than quantity. I think that focused practice is a skill in and of itself and that teachers must find ways to keep students interested. That said, I also think that encouragement goes a long way. If a student is stuck in a piece or song, then the teacher must find a way to keep them interested. I think it is a necessary challenge for any teacher to continually think about how to improve their students efficiency.

If you weren't a musician what do you think you'd be doing instead?
If I wasn't a musician I would be somehow involved with sports. I very much believe that excellence must be maintained and appreciated in society. Both sports and music teach you patience, work ethic and life lessons that can carry you through many other occupations. Sports are great because they teach you how to use your mind. They teach you how to continue through adversity and they teach you to never give up. I have taught sports and enjoy seeing all of those lessons learned. I was a very hard working athlete and sports teach you work ethic.

Do you use specific teaching methods or books? (Ex: Alfred, Bastion, Suzuki, Hal Leonard) Why did you choose them if you did?
I think that it is important for a teacher to be well versed in books but also recognize what is important for the student as an individual. People learn differently and at different rates. I am experienced in a number of books but also believe that the relationship between the teacher and the student is of significant importance. It is the responsibility of the teacher to see what works for the student and make appropriate choices in terms of repertoire and books. Also theses choices have to be made in terms of keeping the student motivated.

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Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

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