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Featured Piano Teachers Near El Monte, CA

4050   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in El Monte . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Matt B

Instruments: Piano Voice Drums Recorder

To witness students making progress and share their passion for music is quite rewarding. I love to see how teaching music can also affect students in their personal lives. Some teaching methods can be translated to everyday life challenges. From my experience, learning an instrument or music, in general, can help tremendously to deal with day-to-day struggles or even mental state. It can help to deal with depression or ease some pain related to difficulties in their personal lives. Read More

Galena P

Instruments: Piano Voice

All my musical life I have had to teach my private piano lessons with all ages , In Novosibirsk State State Conservatory I was Voice teacher (1990 -1998),Mexico 1998-2006 I have had teaching voice and piano in School of Music in Music Assotiation. 2006-2007- Eugene Community College(Oregong) Chorus Director and voice teacher. In Los Angeles I have my private voice and piano lessons withh all ages at my home or at student's home. Read More

Sean T

Instruments: Piano

No matter what skill level the student is at, I want to always make sure that the student is always engaged and interested in the repertoire! I find that more important than anything else, as I want to build that passion within each and every student to be able to not only play piano, but to love and cherish its history. I want to develop a personal connection with each student I teach, and cooperate with whatever needs they may have. Read More

Dale E

Instruments: Piano Organ Music Keyboard

Im pretty comfortable with a variety of methods but for children I enjoy using Alfreds method either for younger children or children over 7 . I also use Alfreds all in o e adult method along with a their greatest hits book to add more repetitive . All the series I use come with a cd of prerecorded tracks to play along with so its like youre playing with the band . All my students use a cd player as well. Read More

Marie H

Instruments: Piano Voice Synthesizer Keyboard

Depending on previous experience, voice lessons tend to begin with foundations of breathing and relaxing the muscles of the jaw and throat. From there, repertoire is developed based on the long term goals and needs of the student. I have taught piano from the Bastien, Keith Snell and Alfreds Music series, and feel most comfortable when the student is open to my advice about which series would be a good fit for then :-) i also firmly believe that working on material a prospective student loves listening to is paramount! Read More

Nasim M

Instruments: Piano Keyboard

I began teaching piano and voice more than twelve years ago and since then, I have been spending most of my time teaching music. I love to combine my energy and passion for music with the enthusiasm and positive energy that different students with different personalities and musical skills bring to the lessons. I have had a privilege of traveling to European countries and cities, such as Switzerland, Vienna, Russia, and Armenia, and to participate in different master classes of some of the greatest masters in this field. Read More

Teacher In Spotlight

Michael D

Instruments: Violin

If you weren't a musician what do you think you'd be doing instead?
I think my personality would be well-suited to another type of career where I got to perform. Secretly I have always wanted to try improv comedy. I love making people laugh!

Does music run in your family? Tell us a little about your musical family members.
In my immediate family, I am the only professional musician. My dad played drums as a kid, and my mom and I were in church choir together when I was in high school. My sister played the flute. I am now teaching my oldest niece how to play the violin.

If you have a Music Degree, what is it in (Performance, Education, Musicology, Theory, Composition, etc) and why did you choose that degree?
Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Performance Professional Performance Certificate Master's Degree in Music History By the time I was a junior in high school, I was a serious musician taking lessons, playing in youth orchestra, and listening to classical music non-stop. I was afraid that if I chose something else to do with my life, I would always regret giving up my ability to play this instrument. I loved performing for others (and still do!).

What do you think is the hardest thing to master on your instrument?
The ability to stay relaxed while playing. The violin forces the body into such an unnatural position that it is key to find a way to play that does not hurt or cause excess tension.

What musical accomplishments are you most proud of?
Recently I was able to perform with both of my collegiate level teachers, and that was very special for me. Another highlight was performing with my undergraduate orchestra in four different cities in Spain in the most beautiful concert halls I've ever seen in my life. It was overwhelming and amazing.

Why did you choose your primary instrument?
No good reason, really. I wanted to play the saxophone because I grew up going to my sister's band concerts but in the 5th grade they started the strings program in my elementary school and so I just picked violin on a complete and utter whim.

How do I know if my child is ready to start lessons?
If they are able to focus on a task for 30 minutes, and if they are able to or will start learning to read.

When will I start to see results?
This entirely depends on your willingness to practice on your own outside your lesson.

Did you have a teacher that inspired you to go into music? How did they inspire you?
Not one in particular. I made the decision on my own in high school and was supported by my private teacher after I told him I wanted to study music in college.

What advice do you have about practicing effectively?
1) Take breaks. 2) Go slow. 3) As you get more comfortable playing a piece or a scale, try to play it all the way through, mistakes and all. Then, you can go back and reassess what needs work. 4) Make sure to go back to just before a tough passage to make sure you're able to play it in context. 5) Breathe! Holding breath can make your playing tight.

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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in El Monte to students of all ages and abilities.

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Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

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