
10 Songwriting Tips To Help You Write Memorable Music

Songwriting is something that routinely mystifies even the most seasoned musicians, and if you think about it, it makes perfect […]

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hands on piano

Piano Fingering Exercises: Scales, Chords, and More

The piano is an instrument capable of producing an impressive variety functions within music. Musicians use the piano’s keyboard to […]

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breathing lungs

Four Easy Breathing Exercises for Singing

Did you know that a healthy start to your singing practice regimen doesn’t necessarily have to begin with any actual […]

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practicing guitar

Guitar Exercises Every Guitarist Should Practice

To a complete beginner, the world of guitar chords, riffs, and exercises might seem daunting or just downright impossible to […]

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how to practice piano

How To Practice Piano with Correct Technique

The piano is one of the world’s most welcoming instruments for beginners. Unlike other instruments, the piano is built in […]

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clarinet with case and music

Clarinet Warm Ups: Exercises for All Levels

Before getting into our clarinet warm ups, let’s ponder a few hypothetical scenarios:   1) You’ve been assigned a group […]

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saxophone practice in empty room

Saxophone Warm-Ups: Practice Exercises for All Levels

What are “warm-ups”? “Warm-ups” are simple exercises that you perform in order to prepare yourself for more complex activities. We […]

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vocal exercises larynx warm up

Vocal Exercises: Intermediate and Advanced

Are you a singer who has been taking lessons for a while and is looking to improve your vocal technique […]

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singing exercise humming

Vocal Exercises for Singers: Breathing and Beginner Exercises

Even the most novice of singers are familiar with a certain number of warm-ups and vocal exercises for singers, whether […]

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jazz scales whole tone

Jazz Scales: The Whole Tone Scale

If you happen to be a fan of classical music from the Impressionist Period on, then you’ve definitely heard the […]

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