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Our music lesson students will have the opportunity to take lessons from the comfort of their own home or in one of the teachers studios. Careful attention is placed on each student to ensure a custom lesson plan. Our music teachers understand that every student has different needs and abilities and therefore the lessons will be planned with that knowledge in mind.
lessons are available in the following areas:
Instruments: Piano, Guitar, Voice, Bass Guitar, Organ, Synthesizer, Ukulele, Conga, Latin Percussion, Music, Keyboard, Electric Guitar, Djembe, Acoustic Guitar
I've been teaching music on and off for almost 20 years I write my own songs and find this a good way to teach as well. I've had many great students, been in many great bands, never fame nor fortune but always fun and great music. My favorite moments are connecting to other people through music. Music is a language unto itself and the best music is a conversation. I've performed on stages around the world but the last few years I've focused on the art of recording and I'm currently building a studio to spend my time creating music and teaching. Read More
Instruments: Piano, Voice, Drums, Mallet Percussion, Conga, Music
Well hello yet again. Ok, well I guess I covered most of this in the previous sections. Anyway.... In the previous section I covered most of what I can say in this one. These are real lessons, not jam sessions or monkey see monkey do. There are assignments given to be worked on before the next lesson. Everyone develops at a different pace and that is adjusting for in the lessons. Read More
Instruments: Piano, Guitar, Drums, Bass Guitar
Cumulative training and experience in various aspects of musical education. Working directly with special needs children and providing musical instruction K-12. Highly motivated team player delivering exceptional legendary service.Excellent organizational, administrative, communication, instructional/educational,interpersonal, problem resolution, time management, public relations skills, and customer service.Compassionate in servicing and teaching children.Established reputation for taking initiative, dependability, productivity, attention to detail, professionalism and enthusiasm. Goal and results-oriented. Read More
Instruments: Piano, Guitar, Voice, Drums, Banjo, Electric Guitar, Classical Guitar, Acoustic Guitar
This will vary given the student's abilities and particular intentions for study. In general, I focus on five distinct areas of learning: technique, theoretical understanding, reading, intuitive playing/learning by ear, and performance. I like to keep each lesson fluid and organized, by maintaining structure within segments of study. Within these segments we may venture into something unanticipated, so long as the student expresses interest, readiness, and the ability to learn. Read More
Instruments: Piano, Guitar, Trumpet, Trombone, Recorder, Euphonium
I play trombone in the Colorado Wind Ensemble, William and the Romantics (a 20 piece big band), and the Mile High Brass Quintet. I teach music at Broomfield Academy. Read More
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