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I recieved my BA - University of Nevada, Reno with empasis on French Horn Performance: while there I performed with Brass Chior, Small emsemles, Marching Band, Symphonic and concert Band and the univ Orchestra. Studied horn under John Lenz. Confered 1988.
I recieved my Masters of Music - Dominican Univ. of San Rafael. My education emphasised French Horn Performance, conducting, composition, and Stage Management. While there I performed (conductor or player) in both the Opera and Symphonic Orcestra's; studying horn under Glen Swartz. I also run the music office and 800+ auditorium as state mannager for two years. Confered 1993
I recieved my public teaching credintial and MAT from Sierra Nevada College, Masters of Teaching taking all required classes. Confered 2005/7
University of Nevada, Reno - full scholarship for six years Dominican University - full scholarship through completion of quadruple Masters. Dominican University - Graduate Assistant Performed in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, NY, San Antonio, Reno, Las Vegas, Georgia, and many other locations in in the U.S. and Western Europe.
I started teaching horn in 1976 and have taught ever since. Students are to perform not only a recital if possible or play a solo as part of a musical program but to play in a musical organization if possible. My teaching began teaching in the US Army with under performing horn players with technique, hand positioning and air control. The instruction continued through 19 years as an enlisted Army musician. Two years was in active duty service in Europe. The following 34 years were as an officer. I have been a music teacher since 2005, teaching general music, band and strings, I have been the horn teacher at Truckee Meadows Community College since fall 2018.
Beginners start with Accent in Achievement and work daily on book 1 and I suggest they play with a beginning band. By the second year they should finish book 1 and start book 2; work on parts of book 3 as they can play a complete scale or scales and then use book 3 as appropriate. It is suggested that students practice an hour a day, however students need not be all at one time. I suggest playing for ten minutes at one time working through each exercise for those ten minutes before taking a rest for 20 minutes. Then move to the next etude or scale. Start with a consistent warm up in the middle of your range. The warm up should be the same every time wherein students can expand on their warm up on their own. This warm up is part of the first ten minutes of practice time.
If the student is a beginner, I suggest just playing one note for a short time and expand that to three notes. This can be done very quickly, then most students can move to easy tunes on a single sheet of music. This music is commonly known as sheet music and con be accessed and played in line or through the purchase of said sheet music on many sites. If the student in not a beginner, advanced or intermediate I have to do a performance ability assessment. Once I determine the level of the student I put together an individual plan for the student. Then guide the student to the next level; all lessons are geared to increase confidence and done with use of encouragement.