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Harrison J In Home

Instruments: Piano
Styles: Classical


Harrison J   In Home
Instruments: Piano
Styles: Classical

Where I Teach:
In Your Home
Ages Taught: 8-18
Levels Taught:

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Degrees / Training / Special Info:

Bachelor Degree: University of Alabama


AMTA State winner 2015

AMTA State winner 2017

Musical Miniatures competition winner 2018


I am a passionate piano performer who wants to show people the beauty of the instrument and its immense capabilities. I have studied music and have been classically trained since I was six years old and am studying for a bachelor associate degree at the University of Alabama. I have performed in numerous classical piano competitions, and growing up I competed in AMTA for over ten consecutive years. I want to now show and inspire people that piano is so much more than classical performance, that the instrument can be enjoyed to the fullest, in any way that the musician sees fit.


Being up-front, teaching is a newer experience for me, but I have had some experience teaching young beginner students. While at that time I was teaching at my home, me being in college makes it much better to go to the student's home and teach. Since I have played my instrument for over 15 years, I feel as though I have quite a lot to offer when it comes to the essence of performing and putting on display a love for music! I'm very interested in teaching students the music they WANT to learn alongside music that will teach them the necessary skills to do so.


For beginning students, I like to start with some starting note learning drills on paper or going through some beginner books. I am a firm believer in that the more a student practices reading music, the easier it will come. I realize that some students learn music better by ear, and I will work to develop that skill alongside the essentials of reading the music on paper. As they progress, I hope to introduce different kinds of solo music in order to teach different skills and techniques that are involved, while still keeping the music fun and accomplishing the goals that the student wants to accomplish.


As a realist, I understand that each student will have their own pace when it comes to learning music. With that being said, I want to see students succeed when setting their goals, which means I will be able to understand their capabilities along with pushing them to new heights. I am hopeful that students seeing their goals being accomplished will keep them eager to learn new things and I am more than happy to acknowledge those achievements and help the student recognize their progress. I believe that style depends on the student, and it could change in order to correctly inspire them to be the best they can be.

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