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Ian M In Home In Studio

Instruments: Guitar
Styles: Jazz, Blues


Ian M   In Home In Studio
Instruments: Guitar
Styles: Jazz, Blues

Where I Teach:
In Your Home My Studio
Ages Taught: 10-80
Levels Taught:

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I study recordings and techniques, with an emphasis on playing by ear.


I am currently a student at Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City, MO. I have been playing music for over ten years and am mostly self-taught, however I have a lot of knowledge of music theory and have played professionally for a number of years. I enjoy teaching and passing on the joy of learning to others and I believe music is a necessary ingredient in our lives, no matter what age or musical preference. In my free time I am usually studying, writing, or enjoying a cup of coffee at the nearest café.


I have been teaching music for two years professionally, and much longer than that informally. I played regularly and professionally at venues in Columbia, MO, such as the Bridge and The Vault. I studied trumpet in my high-school band and learned to read music, progressing on my own thereafter into more complex theory and harmony, as well as composition. I have been in several ensembles and have performed as a solo artist on many occasions as well. I am enthusiastic about relating what I have learned to students of all ages and experience.


I employ the use of scales and harmonizing techniques if so desired, but mainly focus on what the student would like to be able to accomplish in his or her time with me. I like to let them pursue their own directions while overseeing that they learn the fundamental aspects of their chosen genre or genres. Learning and especially music should maintain FUN as a central priority, because without excitement over the topic and enthusiasm in development, it becomes easy to get bored and walk away from the activities. That is why student preferences are paramount in my method.


I have a working curriculum that I think accommodates many different aspects of music, with a focus on individual playing styles and capacities. I adhere to what the student would like to pursue as far as material and technical ability. Most often I find it best to listen to the student and probe for the skills, styles and qualities that he or she would like to employ and at least begin with methods in the desired genre. From there I like to throw in more technical applications and the theory as it becomes relevant.

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