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BA, University of Illinois, Performance Piano
University of Illinois -- James Scholar, Mortar Board, other national academic awards.
Looking back over my recent careers -- including positions in the public relations, marketing, writing and editing fields -- THE most rewarding has been teaching and performing piano. Some former students are enrolled at prestigious colleges, conservatories and universities. Others are pursuing degrees in medicine and higher education.
I began teaching during pedagogy classes at the University of Illinois. I've continued to teach piano whenever possible during other careers. (I also have a degree in journalism and communications, so I've worked as a writer, editor, public relations director and related fields). It's important that students have fun while learning, and I attempt to engage them as much as I can in endeavors they enjoy. I love seeing laughter and joy when someone masters a music problem which with they previously struggled.
Since we're all different, I try to identify students' goals, interests and abilities as we progress. With few exceptions -- students whose temperament and personality dictate completing a book before considering another -- I always choose from a large assortment of method, performance, classical books from my library. I also have a good collection of Broadway musicals, jazz books, etc. (My favorite series is the Faber and Faber repertoire.)
Looking back over my professional career -- which includes several public relations, marketing and advertising positions -- my favorite and most rewarding activities have centered around music. Whenever possible, I use my own method, which includes promoting spatial relationships and patterns. Although composition is not my specialty, I certainly can do the basics and then point them to a more accomplished musician.