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3 AA/1 AS with honors at Chaffey Community College BA with Honors at Cal State San Bernardino Nationally Certified Music Teacher by the Music Teachers National Association Certified all levels, stages, and extensions in the Kindermusk International method Certified in American Orff-Schulwek, levels I & II out of 3. Numerous other certifications. I have also been a life long learner, always trying to learn more to be a better teacher/musician. I go back and take more private lessons occasionally, 18 years worth to date, and attend many conferences, workshops, lectures, masterclasses, etc each year. Since I've been doing this since 1991, it adds up to more than I can remember! I also self study a lot. Starting about 25 years ago, I've had many students with disabilities, each kind of which I study up on thoroughly so I can do the best job possible.