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Marisa P In Home Teaches Online

Instruments: Piano
Styles: Classical


Marisa P   In Home Teaches Online
Instruments: Piano
Styles: Classical

Where I Teach:
In Your Home Online
Ages Taught: 5-80
Levels Taught:

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Degrees / Training / Special Info:
Bachelor Degree: University of Alabama
I am a piano instructor that loves sharing my musical knowledge with students and watching them progress. I just recently graduated from the University of Alabama in early May with a Bachelor of Music Degree in Piano Performance. I have been studying piano for almost twelve years. During my time as an undergraduate, I performed in recitals, taught private lessons to students, and accompanied for vocalists and instrumentalists. I also served as the president and treasurer of the Music Teachers National Association chapter at the University of Alabama.
I began teaching private piano lessons when I was a junior in college. I taught all ages including children, teenagers, and adults. I encourage consistent and regular practicing with my students because that is how one succeeds at playing an instrument. I teach students based on their own individual development and pace, but I do push them so that they can improve and become better musicians. I always schedule a recital at the end of the semester and encourage students to perform in festivals and competitions so that they have opportunities to perform.
For all of my beginning students, I use the method book Piano Safari because it teaches them reading music, playing music by rote, and technique all in one. There is a child version and an older beginner version. For students who are not beginners, I find them solo pieces that are suitable for them that they enjoy so that their playing will progress. For each lesson, I take the time to make a lesson plan. I keep the lessons fun so that students are engaged, but are also learning a great deal about music.
I believe that education is something that should be enjoyable, especially music. Music is something that inspires us and makes us happy. I encourage those ideas in lessons, and I focus on teaching students to play with musicality. For each individual student, I set reasonable goals for them at the end of each lesson. I also explain to them how to practice, and how to do so efficiently. Another idea I tend to focus on with my students is performance and how to practice performing. When students know how to perform, it makes them progress and enjoy their instrument more.
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