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Instruments: Voice, Violin, Viola, Electric Violin, Fiddle
Music should not be boring or intimidating, so I teach to my students' personalities and their comfort levels. I will ask my students to try rigorous exercizes but I will do so in a manner that is fun and rewarding, not exhausting. I enjoy adding humor to my lessons and I like to keep the mood light and conversational because music is as much about connection and communication as it is about notes. Read More
Instruments: Piano, Guitar, Violin, Cello, Viola, Trumpet, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Mandolin, Recorder, Fiddle, Double Bass, Acoustic Guitar
SC I studied Cello for 4 years at Kent State University from 1973-74, which is why I focused on string teaching. I enjoy composing music, and arranging music, for fellow musicians which has become my passion, which I now do through the music notation program - Finale 20006b, and the sequencer program Pro Tools7M Powered, thru which I run thru my MacBook Pro, and my M audio I/o Interface board. Read More
Instruments: Violin, Viola
I'madedicatedandconsecientiousteacherwholovessharinghowenrichingalifefilledwithmusiccanbe.IrecentlygraduatedwithmyBachelorofMusicdegreeinViolaPerformancefromManhattanSchoolofMusicandIamcurrentlypursuingmyMasterofMusicdegreeinViolaPerformancefromYaleUniversity.IhavehadtheopportunitytoperformconcertsonthreecontintentsandperformatvenuessuchasCarnegieHallinNewYorkandElizabethHallinLondon.IhavehadtoopportunitytoperformconcertswithmusiciansfromallovertheworldandIworktoinspiremystudentstoexploretheirfullmusicalpotential. Read More
Instruments: Violin, Viola, Electric Violin, Fiddle, Music
I love nothing more than to see a student come into or leave their lesson beaming with a sense of pride and self-accomplishment. What that means to a student is as unique as they are. My beginner students may feel overjoyed to have learned their one-octave D major scale played pizzicato, my more experienced students could be proud to announce that they figured out a tricky passage on their own using skills they learned in a lesson. Read More
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