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Associate Degree: south Texas college
I am and have been a passionate musical person. The moment I went into 6th grade and got the clarinet as my instrument, that was all I could focus on, and here we are. I am on my last year of my undergrad music education degree, at Texas A&M University Kingsville. Teaching is something I am very passionate about. From a very young age I taught my 2 year old sister how to read, and my younger sibling and I were born 6 years apart. I saw it more of a game, but it became and showed that it was more than just a child game.
I don't have many official teaching experiences, except for my student observing classes. For a class we had to drive to some middle school and high school for a year, attend about 4hrs and help the bands in these schools. I was able to help at Robstown High School and Seale middle school, and got the opportunity to help their clarinet sections as much as possible. I also attended HMK High school and Gillette Middle School, here I was able to work with all instrument players but focus more on music theory. I had the chance to give them a theory class twice a week for 30 min. I also got to do private lessons with one of their top clarinet players.
For any of my new students I like to begin with getting to know them. This way I can decide on how it would be best for me to teach that specific person. Whether if I should speak to student A more stern or more friendly. Depending on the person I decide on how to go by my lesson of the day. I have learned by personal experience and thanks to my student observing classes that I fully comprehended that not just because a student doesn't grasp the lesson as fast as the rest of the class, it does not mean the student is lazy or anything negative. I believe that maybe the student doesn't learn the same way as others, or they grasp it better when I give personal example. Things like this is what excites to start teaching.
As I Have discussed prior, I love teaching and I love music. Individually they are my favorite, and teaching music just makes my world turn the right way. I like to teach music, but also like to teach life through music. Humans are amazing creatures with emotions, strength and so much more, which is why I mentioned life. We can learn more than just music through any topic. I can teach you music and while you are learning I can guide you and help you realize what a great distresser music can be, or how mentally blocked one can get when under the stress or pressure of wanting to play something and not being able to, just yet.