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Featured Piano Teachers Near Portsmouth, VA

4055   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Portsmouth . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Simeon K

Instruments: Piano

I am well versed of the many piano method books out there for students today. I recommend to my younger students Alfreds Premier Piano Course or Fabers Piano Adventures. For my adult students, I recommend Alfreds All-in-One Adult Piano Course because it offers a coherent approach to a well-rounded music education at the piano. Once my students have grasped the fundamentals, I begin to introduce repertoire that fits their needs and wants. Read More

Daniel L

Instruments: Piano Music Keyboard

I taught music for 18 years in all kinds of institutions, both in Brazil as well as in the United States. From low income communities to music universities, I worked with all levels of students and I learned how to adapt my Pedagogy and method books to any situation. I work with students that have special needs (any and all kinds) and will also teach music professionals and artists that need a boost in confidence or some feedback in their projects. Read More

Rebecca W

Instruments: Piano

I am a pianist and educator originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia! I love to perform, but I am also passionate about educating the next generation of musicians. I studied music very seriously as a child, which led to many performance opportunities in the area and around the world! I have played concerti with several fantastic orchestras, and I greatly enjoy playing chamber music. My most recent job took me around the world performing with a piano quintet. Read More

Joseph U

Instruments: Piano Voice Trumpet Trombone Recorder Euphonium

For children, my foundational methods include Leonard, Krueger, Clarke, Arban, Reinhardt, Rizzetto, Pearson, and Rubank. Solo and ensemble repertoire is introduced at the appropriate time. Time is also spent on improvisation, writing original compositions, and learning music that the students have brought to the lesson. For adults, we focus on what students are interested in working on, regardless of their ability level. Many adults want to spend part of the lesson working with the foundational methods, and spend part of the lesson learning one or two pieces of music. Read More

Barbara M

Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Ukulele Music Keyboard Acoustic Guitar

I teach from my home studio. I teach private lessons and give my students my full attention which has proved to be the key to my continually increasing student enrollment and high retention rate. Music has been an integral part of my life, playing a major role in both my personal and professional life. I embrace the chance to be immersed in it, to share my enthusiasm for and expertise in the area of music education, promoting creative development and student performance skills. Read More

Michelle G

Instruments: Piano

My love for piano teaching began my senior year of high school, 7 years ago. I enjoy teaching out of my home studio, for I believe it provides a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere for my students. During lessons, I emphasize consistent weekly practice times, music genre variety, theory, improvisation and parent involvement in the lesson plans. Recitals have proven to be very helpful in building the students confidence and awareness of their personal and musical improvement. Read More

Kris V

Instruments: Piano Guitar Drums Bass Guitar Synthesizer Music Keyboard Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

My methods vary student to student- we all learn differently and my objective is to find what works, wether it be a quick demonstration, or a complete breakdown right to the fundamentals. No student is too slow nor incapable. One of the things I really keep my eye on is technique- nothing is more detrimental to a student's progress than poor technique and adaptation! I can quickly spot these future difficulties, and help the student develop the proper means and WHY -with encouragement and positive reinforcement! Read More

Teacher In Spotlight

Jarek H

Instruments: Guitar Violin Ukulele Music Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

Do you use specific teaching methods or books? (Ex: Alfred, Bastion, Suzuki, Hal Leonard) Why did you choose them if you did?
I do prefer essential elements, artist compilation books, theory handouts/worksheets, and sheet music. I tend to stay away from Suzuki methods since I find it too dependent on intervals rather than learning how to read sheet music properly.

What does a normal practice session look like for you?
I practice every day if I can. I generally recommend a practice be at least 30 minutes. I begin my practices by tuning and warming up which usually consists of working on older material, running through scales, etc. I like to keep practice logs so I check what I noted I've been working on, what I feel I want to keep working on, and I begin designing exercises to help me achieve that goal. I separate my content by focusing on different aspects such as precision, rhythm, speed, volume, and so forth. I close out by playing all the way through what I've been working on a few times and then leave some time at the end for creativity/improvising. See what you can make with what you have learned and then fill out practice log.

What advice do you have about practicing effectively?
I think keeping a practice log/journal of some kind and having moments of mindfulness and reflection during each practice is really important. I believe that what you put in is what you get, so get practicing! We will set realistic goals. Learning a skill like an instrument is a lifelong process. You will always be improving and learning new things if you keep with it.

Does music run in your family? Tell us a little about your musical family members.
No, I am the only one with a musical bone in my family. My family loves music and have always encouraged me but thankfully I had friends growing up that also played instruments and I played in school.

If you play more than one instrument, how did you decide to start playing the second? (Or 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc)!
I began with violin but that was through school. I picked up guitar, ukulele, and some piano through private lessons and self-instruction. Once you understand some general music theory and are familiar with an instrument, I find it is easier to start learning others. I'm always learning and improving though!

What is your favorite style/genre of music to play and why?
I think there is something of musical value in almost anything I listen to. I may not enjoy the style but maybe there was an interesting rhythm or effect. I try to share this mentality with my students and ensure we explore the different ranges music has to offer. I personally most enjoy blues/jazz, soul, and rock.

If you weren't a musician what do you think you'd be doing instead?
I teach music part-time. I am currently working to obtain my Massachusetts Teaching License in second language acquisition. I love music but I don't want it to be my main career so that is what I will be doing instead!

How do I know if my child is ready to start lessons?
It does require a certain level of maturity and concentration in order to fully grasp the logic of music theory and to apply that to playing an instrument.

When will I start to see results?
Learning music and an instrument is a lifelong process. You will learn things day 1 that you use for as long as you continue to play and practice. You will always be building from a foundation so the only place to go is up!

Why did you choose your primary instrument?
Even though I began with violin, I would say guitar is my main instrument. I generally practice and play it more since it is so versatile. Violin is a bit more specialized but fun and interesting nonetheless.

What do you think is the hardest thing to master on your instrument?
Personally, I have always struggled with sweep picking on guitar. If you're not familiar I'd recommend looking up some videos online. I've always wanted to be able to do them and can somewhat but not to the degree I would like. I would argue that is one of the hardest guitar techniques I've encountered. For violin, a lot of people have issues with shifting.

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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in Portsmouth to students of all ages and abilities.

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Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

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