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Featured Piano Teachers Near Laredo, TX

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Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Laredo . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

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Teacher In Spotlight

Evan O

Instruments: Guitar Drums Bass Guitar Orchestral Percussion Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

If you weren't a musician what do you think you'd be doing instead?
Trying to find a way to be a musician! Being a musician is not my main career. I work in IT, so I suppose something in that field!

If you play more than one instrument, how did you decide to start playing the second? (Or 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc)!
I decided to start playing the guitar because I was inspired by a friend of mine who is truly gifted. It was exciting to apply the discipline and structured practice techniques I had honed with the drums to something totally different!

Do you use specific teaching methods or books? (Ex: Alfred, Bastion, Suzuki, Hal Leonard) Why did you choose them if you did?
I definitely do. There are too many to name here, but I do use some of the classics: Stick Control, 4 Way Coordination, and Master Studies by the late great, Joe Morello.

What does a normal practice session look like for you?
I start on a practice pad and a metronome to warm up my hands and internal clock. I set a timer for 20 minutes for this. Then, I go into the material I am working on. Sometimes this is out of a book, sometimes it is learning worship songs for church, and sometimes it is transcribing songs note for note that I just want to learn how to play. But, practice is always structured and I know exactly what I will be doing beforehand.

What do you think is the hardest thing to master on your instrument?
Three things: Staying relaxed (mentally and physically), the discipline to practice things slowly and with a metronome, and musical restraint (playing the drums for the sake of the song; not to impress other drummers!)

What musical accomplishments are you most proud of?
Easily receiving multiple awards in high school for being the most dedicated. I value these much more than any awards I received for being "talented." Additionally, receiving praise over the years for being a "musical drummer" instead of just a timekeeper. The drummer does have a specific job to do, but should always contribute musically as much as anyone else in the band.

Have any of your students won awards or been selected for special honors? How have they succeeded?
Yes! Some students have won awards in school for marching and/or orchestral band. Some of my students went on to major in music in college and are now band directors. And even a few have had success in the music business (professional musicians).

Did you have a teacher that inspired you to go into music? How did they inspire you?
My mother! I almost gave music up at one point in my life. My mother knew that I had talent within me, I just needed to see it for myself.

Why did you choose your primary instrument?
I'll give the corny answer to this question...I didn't choose my primary instrument...my primary instrument chose me! To be fair though, I did try to play the trumpet in the 6th grade...but the snare drum didn't require all of that breathing!

What advice do you have about practicing effectively?
Always start slow - much, much slower than you might think. Become best friends with a metronome! Try to be as consistent as possible with a practice schedule - and PLAN out what you will practice to reach your GOAL.

How do I know if my child is ready to start lessons?
You will notice that they have an interest in something because they will typically talk a lot about it! This is especially true if they are engaging in an interest on their own time, when no one else is looking (but parents see everything!). Also, you may be able to simply spot that they have a "knack" for something. This is worth exploring!

When will I start to see results?
This is a loaded question. You can take two people of the same age with the same practice schedule and see a totally different timeline for results. However, there is no substitute for disciplined, structured, hard work. I had some natural ability, but the reason I stood out among my peers was because of the hours I put in. Some folks were just as good if not better than me and had put in half the time that I did. It really does depend, but by and large it is the hours "on the clock" and the quality of those hours (the quality of practice time is where a good instructor will pay dividends).

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