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Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Flute lessons in Jacksonville . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!
Instruments: Saxophone Flute
As mentioned above, I tailor each of my lesson to the individual student I am teaching. I am very encouraging and patient, but also like to push my students to be the best they are capable of being. Read More
Instruments: Guitar Clarinet Drums Bass Guitar Ukulele Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar
What advice do you have about practicing effectively?
Musis is the ultimate way of getting your mind off stressful things like work and school. A lot of times my best practice sessions come after a long day of work where I can just relax and think of nothing but my instrument. I like short sessions of playing. Add little pieces to you playing each day, and before you know it you have developed a skill, perfected a guitar lick, or mastered a cool sounding drum fill that you once thought would be impossible. If you struggle with something, give it a go every day and work towards making just a little better every time. Most importantly, don't feel bad about yourself if you don't get it right away. It's completely okay. All musicians struggle with something at some point!
How do I know if my child is ready to start lessons?
I believe as young as age three. While they may not embrace the theoretical ideas at that age, the exposure to strumming guitar in tempo with a teacher, or hitting a snare drum in a steady beat to a song do wonders for a young child. Forming these ideas into a child's developing brain or not only great for their musical development, but also for their development with other school subjects, social development, and just by having fun and enjoying something new a different.
If you are an adult and feel completely intimidated by learning music, don't be! It's way more fun than you think and we'll work at your pace, learn the type of music you like, and learn some skills you can show off to your friends and family!
When will I start to see results?
Almost immediately. The instruments I teach are easy to learn songs quickly, but can also take a lifetime to master. You'll be impressed with yourself that you can pick things up so fast, and hopefully take that excitement as motivation to keep practicing and have fun with your instrument. You won't be playing like a rock and roll legend after one lesson, but you'll be feeling pretty confident after a month when you can play something recognizable pretty well. With time and determination you can be a rock legend though!
Did you have a teacher that inspired you to go into music? How did they inspire you?
I 've been playing music since the age of 10, but I didn't really start to take it seriously until 7 years ago when I enrolled in classes at the Community College of Denver. My favorite professor, Dr. Brian Ebert, taught me theory and songwriting. I always wanted to be a songwriter but never had the confidence to try. He told the most important thing about music I've ever heard: "Don't try to be someone else. Just be yourself and write music that you like and are proud of. The listeners will pick up on your authenticity and gravitate towards your music from that." Since then I've written and recorded almost 50 songs!
23 Years
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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Flute lessons in Jacksonville to students of all ages and abilities.
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