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Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Livermore . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!
Instruments: Piano Guitar Bass Guitar Synthesizer Ukulele Double Bass
My style is to get students to start performing and playing songs, so that they maybe come as passionate about music as I am! I try to keep each student at paces they are comfortable with and set goals for each student to get to the next level. I tailor my instruction to inspire students to create and make music. Read More
Instruments: Piano Saxophone Clarinet
Especially for young people, maintaining interest and ensuring that they continue to see the value of their musical education is essential. I remember a very frank conversation with my mother when at 13 I wanted to give up music to play football, and I blame that on the style of teaching I was receiving. Whilst there is stuff not to like about instrumental learning - for some it's scales, for me it was sight reading - the satisfaction comes from masterng these challenges, and if we can keep these short and long term goals relevant to the student, getting the practice hours done may be a litte easier on everyone! Read More
Instruments: Piano Accordion
My teaching experience actually started when i was a senior in high school. The music teacher had ask me if i wanted to be his assistant. I taught notation to the student's. Conducted the jazz band and the choir. In small groups i would teach them music theory and correct any problems the student's had with their music. This was a very challenging experience for me. Teaching a class in music to student's my age was scary not knowing if they would pay attention. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Synthesizer Keyboard Acoustic Guitar
I began teaching private lessons a year ago and have been consistently teaching private lessons at students' homes and in my home studio since then. I've discovered that focusing on students' own interests and love for music generates fun, engaging and rewarding lessons for them. Repetition and a consistent practice schedule is easier for students to continue when lessons are focused on developing the aspects of music that they love, or building skills that take them closer to their interests. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Violin
I like to teach at the student's pace or what their parents have in mind. When I learned piano, my parents wanted me to learn at a high pace, and forced me to rush everything. As a result, I was able to play a lot of pieces, but the quality of the songs were not the best. I ended up slowing down and spent time to actually work on the tiny details of each song. Read More
Instruments: Piano Keyboard
I'm passionate about teaching others to love music. It is one of my greatest pleasures. I have been performing and teaching since I was a teen. I have performed both classical and original music and am currently working on a rock album writing piano and orchestra for about 12 songs. We have a Grammy-nominated producer in Denmark producing our album. Seeing new students experience learning to play is a great joy for me as well as helping an experienced student ace a RCM or other performance exam, place in a competition, or enter a music program in college. Read More
Instruments: Piano
I'm a passionate, patient Piano instructor. My job is to get you to the point where you don't need me anymore. I can bring you from zero knowledge of music or of any instrument, to being able to perform with confidence, and have an advanced understanding of Music theory. You, whatever your background, can learn chord charts, classical music, learning a pop song by ear, ideal playing techniques, music theory, anything that you're willing to work for. Read More
Instruments: Piano Voice
What is your favorite style/genre of music to play and why?
I like to play new music. It is often in a strange key, time signature, etc and I like the challenge. I like to perform a lot of Jake Heggie, Samuel Barber, John Corgliano, composers like that who push the boundaries of music. I have found that not as many people follow this repertoire as closely as I do, and that I am often the first performer they hear doing the piece. This is fun for me, since my voice will be the initial background they have with the piece. It also puts pressure on me though that my performance needs to be nearly flawless so that the pieces are done justice.
If you play more than one instrument, how did you decide to start playing the second? (Or 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc)!
I play piano and sing as well. The second instrument for me was my voice. About a year after I began playing piano my church music director approached my family and let them know she was starting a kids choir and that she would love to have me join since she heard me sing along during mass numerous times. After that, I started in the kids choir and have been singing ever since. Keeping with it was also because of her. She encouraged me to come back and perform each time she started up the kids choir and made a teen choir for me and a few other singers who were too old for kids choir but too young for the adult choir.
Does music run in your family? Tell us a little about your musical family members.
Music runs on my dad's side of the family. He and my Grandfather have been in choirs for years and many of my Aunt's sing as well in church choir settings. My dad at one point even wanted to be a Disk Jockey on the radio. He has a huge passion for music, my Grandfather did as well. Because they knew the church director from singing with her I was able to join the children's choir and get into music myself. My dad also played Flute for a few years when he was younger and my mom played clarinet when she was younger.
When did you decide to become a professional musician? Was it a gradual decision or was there a defining moment for you?
I decided to become a professional musician after my second year of my undergraduate studies. I interned at a hospital and realized I didn't want to work in medicine and my other passion was music so it was an easy choice. I was already pursuing a general music degree, so switching to performance wasn't too hard. The decision was definitely made after a defining moment and was not something that came up gradually. Until that internship at the hospital I had wanted to be a doctor since I was in elementary school and then it all changed.
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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in Livermore to students of all ages and abilities.
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