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Featured Piano Teachers Near Monte Sereno, CA

4052   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Monte Sereno . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Aaron M

Instruments: Piano Trumpet

I love to teach people of all ages and skill levels! I am a flexible guy that is able to adjust to the needs of the student, thus making my teaching style accessible to a wide range of students and individuals. My passion for music glows through our lessons and making music fun is a number one priority. The true name of the game is improving as fast as you can. Read More

Lauren G

Instruments: Piano Voice Clarinet

I am classically trained on piano and have been studying for many years. My piano students learn theory, as well as rhythm and end up very well versed in how to count properly. I also teach them proper hand technique as well as expression in a piece. Many students believe that it's impossible to be emotional on piano, but I make them dig deep to find the beauty and meaning in each piece and they come out the other side better players for it. Read More

Philip S

Instruments: Piano Saxophone Clarinet

Especially for young people, maintaining interest and ensuring that they continue to see the value of their musical education is essential. I remember a very frank conversation with my mother when at 13 I wanted to give up music to play football, and I blame that on the style of teaching I was receiving. Whilst there is stuff not to like about instrumental learning - for some it's scales, for me it was sight reading - the satisfaction comes from masterng these challenges, and if we can keep these short and long term goals relevant to the student, getting the practice hours done may be a litte easier on everyone! Read More

Jenna Countryman M

Instruments: Piano Flute Recorder Piccolo

I first started teaching in college, taking courses in flute pedagogy in 2007, and working privately with local high school students. Since 2011, I have had a regular studio of private flute (and recorder or piccolo) students as well occasional students on other wind instruments and piano. I've also taught a variety of wind and chamber ensembles. I believe that every student is unique and learns best when that individuality is celebrated. Read More

Annemarie W

Instruments: Piano Voice Ukulele

I am a pragmatic teacher. I coach my students in order that they succeed in all areas of life, not just in the performing arts field. My lessons ensure that the students mind and body are working optimally. I published a thesis at Sonoma State University, which validates that those who sing and play piano, are more likely to attend graduate school as well as think with excellent cognitive ability. Read More

Willa G

Instruments: Piano Voice Ukulele Music Keyboard

Each comes with their own set of creative challenges and goals, and helping them move to a place of satisfaction and joy in music has been the most meaningful kind of work. When I began to learn music as a child, I had no idea how much joy it would bring me, and the musical community I would gain, or the anchor this pursuit would be for me through the difficult seasons that would arise in my life. Read More

Jacob T

Instruments: Piano Voice

I couldn't imagine my life without teaching. To nurture a love for music in another, especially a child, is a gift I would not give up. I strive to find the correct balance of technique and performance, practice and play, focus and fun for each of my students. Every one of them comes to me with different skills, ambitions, and needs; building honest, open relationships with student, parent, and teacher is essential to meeting those needs. Read More

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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in Monte Sereno to students of all ages and abilities.

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You are in Good Company

Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

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