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Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Saint Inigoes . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Drums Bass Guitar
I have taught for many music schools (both public and private). I have also owned my owe school of arts, teaching all instruments, putting together young groups. One group in particular called: "ARCTIC THUNDER" was a group of 14 children from 8 - 14 yrs old. They performed at Walt Disney (Magic Music Days), and opened for many known recording artist. You can see a video of them recording by searching for Kayla Arctic Thunder on Youtube. Read More
Instruments: Piano Voice
Nothing is more rewarding than seeing one of my students develop a passion for music! Therefore, it's important that each student progresses at his or her own pace. I encourage this by setting realistic goals for my students at each lesson. Acknowledging accomplishments helps fuel a students desire to progress, and makes students eager to learn more. By trying to find out what inspires the student, I can successfully tailor my instruction to their wants and needs. Read More
Instruments: Piano
There is a theory book I like to use for older students who are later beginners or who have already taken lessons before and there is a Notespeller Book I recommend instead in the Alfred's series for younger beginners. If a student has taken lessons before and starts lessons with me I will see what books they have and if they are interested in continuing with those, or possibly changing to the Alfred's series, or ready to start branching off into more advanced pieces of music like classical, pop, rock and anything they like where we can get sheet music. Read More
Instruments: Piano Saxophone Clarinet Oboe
I will typically begin with Alfred's Basic Piano Library book for piano students, as I believe that the best way to truly learn music is by playing songs instead of exercises designed to demonstrate techniques and concepts. Alfred's Piano Library offers exercises in the forms of music that increases with difficulty as new material and concepts are introduced to the student. With younger students especially, I always start with instructing the student on the basics of their instrument, such as the proper terminology, how the instrument actually produces sound, and proper maintenance. Read More
Instruments: Piano Violin
Not all students learn the same way, and it is my job as a teacher to be flexible and apply different teaching methods and styles based on the needs of an individual student. This process takes time, and I prefer to work with new students consistently and regularly during the first few months to establish a relationship, discover their individual passion for music and find their unique learning style. I hope to do this by instilling my own love and passion for music. i understand the challenges and rewards that come in learning music, and I love to share my own experiences with students to better connect and engage with students. Read More
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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in Saint Inigoes to students of all ages and abilities.
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