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Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Voice lessons in Indianapolis . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Trombone Saxophone Flute Clarinet Oboe
My main music philosophy is to teach sound before sight: teach students to hear the music, and then read the notation. For beginners, I want them to become well acquainted with their instrument so I begin with the basic fundamentals, and then teach some traditional tunes before moving on to reading music. For students who can already read music, I like to work on sight-reading as well as finding solo repertoire that can be performed at recitals. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Drums Bass Guitar
I started playing guitar at age 8. In my formative years I studied with various instructors around central Indianapolis until mid year of '85. Upon this time I studied a full year with James Lee Thorpe whom eventually played, toured recorded with Sweet F.A. They released albums with MCA Chrysalis Records. I began composing my own riffs, melodies and solo work at age 15 also. I studied Music Theory my Junior year at Ben Davis High School. Read More
Instruments: Piano Voice Flute
I have been teaching for 30 years. The exciting thing is that private music lessons provides an opportunity to get to know students on an individual level. This means that each lesson is unique, and each student has lessons tailored to them. Getting to know what makes a student tick or understand is a highlight of my day! They often laugh at me because I have to ask what they are doing, and that I don't know off the top of my head because there are so many different things my students are doing. Read More
Instruments: Piano Voice Saxophone Flute Organ
I like to challenge my students when I feel they should be. I also try very hard to showcase them whenever possible to show the community the great talent that is amongst us. I would have to say my main approach to teaching is figuring out what works best for each individual student, seeing as though everyone learns differently and at different paces. Forcing a student to learn something when they don't want to is something I do not allow, I can only encourage but not force. Read More
Instruments: Voice
How do I know if my child is ready to start lessons?
If your child has a real passion for music and has the ability to focus for a half hour or more, then go for it! It also depends on what you want your child to accomplish in lessons. Many kids sing in choirs, so working on general music skills can be incredibly advantageous. If you want them to work on vocal technique, I would suggest waiting a few years so their instrument can develop.
What advice do you have about practicing effectively?
Figure out which section of the music you want to work on, and then focus on it within a limited time frame. Repeating the same section over and over again eventually ceases to be productive and begins to work against you. If needed, set a timer for a reasonable amount of time (30-60 min.), and after the timer goes off, move on to something new. Be gentle with yourself!
When will I start to see results?
This really depends on your level and what kinds of results you are looking for. For a beginner, learning basic breath management and posture can produce major results! But sometimes, more advanced singers have more nuanced problems, and these habits can take months or years to correct. Patience is key! There really are no shortcuts when it comes to singing.
Did you have a teacher that inspired you to go into music? How did they inspire you?
Absolutely. One of my recent voice teachers was, and still is, a huge source of inspiration for me. She went to the same high school as me years before I did, and while visiting to help with a school musical, she encouraged me to pursue a professional singing career. Today, she is rising to the top of the field and winning awards left and right. While teaching me, she instilled a lot of the techniques and approaches that I apply to my own students. She taught me that every singer has their own journey to take, and that we have to be kind to ourselves during the process.
Why did you choose your primary instrument?
When I was fourteen, I accidentally changed the tv channel to PBS, where they were playing the 25th anniversary recording of Les Miserables. A couple months later, I had my first live performance singing Javert's song Stars, and ever since then I have been hooked! But really, singing is to me an extension of speech, and sometimes we sing the feelings that we can't express with words. It's an amazing experience that I can't get enough of!
What do you think is the hardest thing to master on your instrument?
Not thinking too much. Seriously! One of my biggest struggles has been that I think way too much while singing, analyzing every vocal detail and hyper-focusing on every note. But, the key is to just let the notes flow out like a big sigh. I find that this is a common issue for a lot of singers, and it totally doesn't need to be.
If you have a Music Degree, what is it in (Performance, Education, Musicology, Theory, Composition, etc) and why did you choose that degree?
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Vocal Performance from Pacific Lutheran University, and I am currently working on my Master's Degree in Voice at Indiana University. I chose this degree because I love singing, and we should all do what we love!
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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Voice lessons in Indianapolis to students of all ages and abilities.
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