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Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Hinckley . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!
Instruments: Piano
I love seeing my students' pride as they are successful in music. With the student, I work to establish short- and long-term goals and I try to provide incentive for meeting these goals. I have a prize box from which the student can pick something (Small candies, pencils, pens, stickers, bubbles, etc.) when they achieve a short-term goal (i.e. learn 5 songs in February, or something similar). When a student achieves a long-term goal (a specific festival rating, completing a level in their method, etc) I have gift cards that they choose from. Read More
Instruments: Piano Voice Trumpet Trombone Saxophone Euphonium French Horn
The most essential element of music is FUN. Naturally, all students meet challenges and frustrating situations. Because I have experienced this myself, I understand completely! I develop a unique approach with each of my students. I am very comfortable teaching voice, piano, and brass instruments. For all of my students, I am fully aware of the standard method books. However, in the past, I have made a special point of working from those books only until it's no longer necessary. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Flute Drums Mallet Percussion Orchestral Percussion Keyboard Acoustic Guitar
I am very much a people person and enjoy adapting my teaching styles to the individual. Some people want to learn a very specific style of music, and others are open to learning everything. If the student does not read music, I always try to encourage a few lessons of just learning music theory. I find it very beneficial, even if the student just wants to learn guitar chords or tab. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Drums Bass Guitar Synthesizer Harmonica Ukulele Music Keyboard Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar
I simply enjoy helping people establish and accomplish their goals on their instruments. The first step is to identify what holds a student's attention. What is it about music that has motivated them to study? Not everyone has the same goal or vision, which is a good thing. Even self-taught musicians incorporate theory and harmony into their compositions. My personal style toggles between when I was 14 learning Metallica songs to the present, having studied jazz and classical harmony. Read More
Instruments: Piano
I am very patient and responsibe teacher. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing one of my students develop a passion for music! Therefore, it's important that each student progresses at his or her own pace. I encourage this by setting realistic goals for my students at each lesson. Acknowledging accomplishments helps fuel a students desire to progress, and makes students eager to learn more. By trying to find out what inspires the student, I can successfully tailor my instruction on their wants and needs. Read More
Instruments: Piano
For the youngest beginners, my focus is on the enjoyment of music. Using either The Music Tree or My First Piano Adventures, I teach children about the elements of music and how to appreciate music, before going into actual technical work on the piano. I primarily teach with The Music Tree (Frances Clark's method) and supplement with pieces from other method books, and prepare children for recitals and performances in the future. Read More
23 Years
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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in Hinckley to students of all ages and abilities.
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