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Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Miramar . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Ukulele
There are many preparatory series available for beginning students. I am not particular about which series I work with. Often there are students with previous instructors and I have no trouble picking up where the student left off. I can recommend books or a series as well as supplemental skills practice books. There are many wonderful books that can be easily purchased online. Sheet music is also available online. I can show students where to look for the music they want to learn. Read More
Instruments: Piano Cello
Originally started the essential music at the age of 5. From that time, I was not afforded to partner with Musical instrument until the age of 7. Read More
Instruments: Piano
Seeing my students develop a passion for music is very rewarding. Each student progresses to their own pace; no rush whatsoever. Setting goals that they can achieve will encourage them to progress on track. Acknowledging their accomplishments will keep their desire to continue learning more. I recommend that when they practice, to have them play it for an audience, like family or friends. That way they can be comfortable playing for others because when they are put into recitals, Student Day, the National Guild of Piano Teachers, etc. they'll be able to play at ease, and at the same time, enjoy it too. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Trumpet Synthesizer Ukulele Music Keyboard Acoustic Guitar
Right after I had privilege to be a part of Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Lodz, Poland to finally move to South Florida and graduate from Florida International University with BA. During my career I played with many people from the world of music and theater and taught in many schools, camps and educational institutions. I love to share my knowledge and love for music with others. Read More
Instruments: Piano Voice Orchestral Percussion Music Keyboard
Hello, Ive been teaching in Broward County since 2001. I have my BA and MA from FAU where I studied piano with Judith Burganger and voice with Susan Dorchin. Before that I studied piano with Harold Brown. Ive been trained in the area of performance and that is my specialty. However I also had overcome a medical issue using music so I am also quite proficient in music as medicine. I also have taught a wide range of students from the severely autistic to the classically trained performer. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice
I believe that one of the most important and essential components of learning is "fun". I also believe that music requires great discipline. I've developed my teaching style around these two factors where I create lesson plans that include a variety of methods to provide a learning experience that is fun! I also teach and encourage students to use their expressive nature to ensure musicality. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Bass Guitar
As almost any instructor will tell you, the methods I use depend largely on the student and their abilities. Younger students usually benefit from learning to read music and a beginning method book is usually helpful. I strongly believe that ear training is the key to musicianship so I use the material we cover in lessons to help students develop good aural perception. I know that understanding music theory is crucial for communicating with other musicians. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Keyboard Electric Guitar Classical Guitar Acoustic Guitar
What advice do you have about practicing effectively?
Tape your lessons with your teacher, oral or video. Your teacher's advice on how to practice is your best companion. Next best, take notes and review them. Remember what your teacher told you and implement it.
Practice requires a coordination of both time and space. It starts with setting a space apart, a comfortable quite place and the same for a time.
Practicing usually has a break down into different stages. There is a warm up stage, then there is the body of the practice session. There is the principle of breaking down difficulties into smaller units in order to overcome them. The principle of divide and conquer, whether it is by separate hands or by shorter pieces of the difficult passage or by slowing of the tempo or by approaching the passage in multiple ways rhythmically or technically.
How do I know if my child is ready to start lessons?
If the parent is ready ,the child is usually ready. It is essential to have the parent's involvement in the musical progress of the child. You must create a musical culture at home. If you play music ,either in and instrument or in the radio or CD player and you do it consciously for it's own sake, or sing at home whether casually or otherwise or visit places where there is live music whether at concerts or otherwise , and if on top of all that you have a musical instrument at home and speak highly of music, culture and art, your child very likely is ready for music lessons.
If you don't have any of the above you can still instill something of the desire for music lessons in your child if you approach it as a therapeutical or as an intellectual exercise. That's different. Music as a means to develop the brain, intellenge, emotions, improve memory, strengthen the charachter, instill perseverance, overcome long term challenges and develop patience and self control is priceless. There are extra benefits for the physical too, like learning to breath correctly, proper posture and use of the body and motor development and coordination of mind and body and the fingers. If you come from that background or have planted those ideas in your child , he or she are also ready for music.
When will I start to see results?
Music is a long term thing. That is why it is one of the best tools to develop patience, endurance and perseverance. If you don't have patience but have perseverance and like a good challenge that's a good start. However ,even if you could expect results immediately it is not a good idea to start music on that. It depends on what results you want. There is a one day course on playing chords. It is usually done in about six hours. You can walk out with a chart on music theory and enough knowledge to be able to play the guitar chords from a lead sheet. We could make a three month plan for a whole music theory course with ear training and all and a bit of piano, or a six month plan for more in depth piano and reading . The Bayer method is an elementary piano course but complete for a good grasp of piano can be done in six months . If you have a wide exposure to music at home , community or otherwise , you probably will go faster than if not. If you don't have that kind of exposure to music you will probably go slower. Again it depends on how you approach it. If you already play on a regular basis and are only refining your skills or widen your horizons you will go fast. If music lessons will only be a hobby for you , you can still progress fast if you make a good plan. The calendar is essential. A fixed and methodical schedule written down will for sure yield results fast enough.
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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in Miramar to students of all ages and abilities.
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