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Featured Piano Teachers Near Salmon Creek, CA

4052   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Salmon Creek . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Fiona C

Instruments: Piano Voice

For beginning students, I use the Piano Adventure Series by Nancy Faber and Randall Faber. I also use the A Thousand Stories for a Little Pianist by Katrin Arefy. My special methods in teaching young students include stories, easy duets, and singing familiar folk songs. For intermediate level students, I use different method books according to the student's interests. However, I encourage them to play Classical music, which is very useful in developing good techniques in piano playing. Read More

Liam R

Instruments: Piano Guitar Saxophone Flute Clarinet

I've blended my methods with a response to each student I work with by requesting their trust, listening to their places of comfort and interest in playing music, and discovering new avenues of development with the student. I encourage them to draw from those areas in our sessions as we develop our repertoire and enhance individual growth from there. For beginners I tend to start with either Standard of Excellence books or Rubank and build custom practices from there. Read More

Randall P

Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Violin Cello Trumpet Trombone Saxophone Flute Clarinet Bass Guitar Synthesizer Recorder Euphonium French Horn Tuba Keyboard

"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime." As I help my students accomplish their musical goals in a fun, disciplined and fast paced way, I get great satisfaction watching them discover and develop their talents, skills and abilities. My hope is that my pupils will learn enough about music from me to be able to learn and play any new music of their choice independent of my help. Read More

Patrick M

Instruments: Piano Trombone

I began teaching private lessons while I was still in college around 2005 and have had few private students. Ive taught and coached jazz band, concert band, and orchestra youth programs like Stanford Jazz, The Jazzschool, and Golden State Youth Orchestra. The students I work with learn the fundamentals and mechanics of the instrument, the understanding of musical language and theory, how it relates to the world, expression of feelings, thoughts and ideas, and the overall joy and fulfillment of playing music on trombone. Read More

Willa G

Instruments: Piano Voice Ukulele Music Keyboard

From there I moved to Portland, picked up the ukulele, and began to teach at a studio called Music World, where I worked with all ages and talents, and began songwriting and performing across the city. After that, I moved to Birmingham where I taught in a large lessons studio called Mason Music Studios, while continuing my own musical collaborations and compositions. I love Little Rock, and I am excited to be building a private studio here and helping my students become artists in their own right! Read More

John F

Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Bass Guitar Ukulele Music Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

I believe in encouragement, fun and positive focus on the students progress at whatever speed that they progress. This makes each student look forward to each lesson with eagerness and actually accelerates their progress. I never push a student and instead encourage and edify the student and try to use their own favorite pieces of music to keep them excited about their next lesson. Acknowledging small progress is the key and I never let a student leave without celebrating their accomplishments no matter how small! Read More

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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in Salmon Creek to students of all ages and abilities.

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You are in Good Company

Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

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