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Featured Voice Teachers Near Williston, OH

4052   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Voice lessons in Williston . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Amanda W

Instruments: Voice

I provide a judgment-free environment and thus give my students confidence. Through this confidence, they will expand their knowledge of mental awareness, body awareness, and vocal awareness. My extensive education will help provide my students with an accurate academic vocal experience; from the knowledge of repertoire to the way the body works. I pride myself on being able to adapt to a variety of learning styles: from visual to kinesthetic. Read More

Emily S

Instruments: Voice

For children, I keep it simple and fun, using a variety of methods to help them not only learn a song/songs, but the fundamentals of music reading, and theory. For older individuals, I prefer to work with their interests, and work towards their goals, through tailored lessons. I use a wide variety of styles, and challenge students to look outside their comfort zone-on occasion- to give them a larger repetoire that they may not have thought of. Read More

Victoria F

Instruments: Voice

I believe in student-driven goal setting, so my students and I set a goal for each lesson. This allows them to push themselves but staying comfortable while doing so. Students will learn at their own pace while being supported and encouraged to push themselves outside of their comfort zones. My belief system is rooted in celebrating any and all progress and small victories. With a supportive teacher, a student can do anything! Read More

Desiree J

Instruments: Piano Voice

Anyone can learn to sing through persistence, hard work, and healthy practice. Singing helps improve lung capacity, diaphragm muscles, immune system strength, and relieves stress. Reading and performing music also exercises the same areas of the brain that handle math, language, and critical thinking. For my younger students, I focus on breathing, proper posture, and the fundamentals of music. For my older students, I work on correct technique, languages, musical analysis, advanced repertoire, as well as appropriate repertoire they want to work on. Read More

Scott B

Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Bass Guitar Keyboard Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar

Every stage is different. With beginners, you want them to learn the notes first, then the chords, the harder chords..etc. With intermediate players, you can begin teaching them songs and giving them songs to work on. Advanced players is all about finding the right tone and the right sounds, most likely helping by providing guitar work with them. It all depends on the student! But I know that for children, you start with the basics and work your way up! Read More

Kate P

Instruments: Piano Voice

For young and beginning vocalists, I will typically start with assigning and working on American Art song, spirituals, folk music, songs from 24 Italian Songs, and musical theatre repertoire. I tailor my choices to each student, as each student has a different voice and way of learning. For the more advanced or experienced vocalists, I will assign classical and romantic art song of different languages and operatic arias. Once again, my choices will be tailored to each individual student. Read More

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How to Get Started

Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Voice lessons in Williston to students of all ages and abilities.

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You are in Good Company

Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

  • fugees
  • metallic
  • DefJam
  • poison
  • arista

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