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Featured Piano Teachers Near Park Hall, MD

4167   5 STAR Musika Reviews

Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Piano lessons in Park Hall . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!

Whitney C

Instruments: Piano Voice

Nothing is more rewarding than seeing one of my students develop a passion for music! Therefore, it's important that each student progresses at his or her own pace. I encourage this by setting realistic goals for my students at each lesson. Acknowledging accomplishments helps fuel a students desire to progress, and makes students eager to learn more. By trying to find out what inspires the student, I can successfully tailor my instruction to their wants and needs. Read More

Frederick C

Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Drums Bass Guitar

 For beginning students, I teach with a method that would not "reinvent the wheel" learning notes on they instrument which makes sense to them easily. A,B,C, etc.. Once the notes are know without thought, they will have knowledge of how music is taught in the industry and from lesson plans like Hal Leonard's Essential Elements. Everyone is unique (as GOD has made us) and there are unique ways one can grasp learning music..... Read More

Jackie R

Instruments: Piano

I believe in the student progressing at their own pace. I am the coach helping them develop their skills and passion for the art. When the student sets the pace he/she are more likely to reach the goals we set together and he/she can be more involved in the learning process. I am their to encourage him/her and acknowledge their accomplishments. It's all abut the enjoyment of music with no pressure. Read More

Yvonne M

Instruments: Piano

I like to collaborate with the studentto learn what songs theydesire to know how to playandacknowlede their achievement when they can play thesongthat they worked so hard to learn. It is rewarding to me to see a student learn a new concept and watch as they realize when that musical thought makes sense! I want every student of mine to feel comfortable asking questions when something does not make sense and I am always prepared to explain a concept in various ways so that all learning styles can understand. Read More

Dwight H

Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Drums Bass Guitar

I've been teaching private music lessons since I first started college in 2004. I've taught at community centers, afterschool programs, and music stores since graduating in 2008, and started my own home studio about 2 years ago. I like to teach the rudiments, as the fundamentals of music and of one's instrument provide the solid base upon which all else is built, though I also stress creativity for all my students. I encourage students to draw from many genres of music, and not limit themselves to one style or method of playing. Read More

Erin F

Instruments: Piano Saxophone Clarinet Oboe

Playing music has been such a large part of my life, my goal is to try and cultivate that experience in my students. First and foremost, the student needs to enjoy themselves! How can someone make beautiful music if they do not enjoy music lessons? I believe that music can be learned by building one lesson on top of the other, so each lesson will have a specific, reachable goal in mind, which will usually build on what was worked on the previous lesson. Read More

Nathan B

Instruments: Piano Violin

Not all students learn the same way, and it is my job as a teacher to be flexible and apply different teaching methods and styles based on the needs of an individual student. This process takes time, and I prefer to work with new students consistently and regularly during the first few months to establish a relationship, discover their individual passion for music and find their unique learning style. I hope to do this by instilling my own love and passion for music. i understand the challenges and rewards that come in learning music, and I love to share my own experiences with students to better connect and engage with students. Read More

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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Piano lessons in Park Hall to students of all ages and abilities.

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Trusted since 2001 by world famous musicians & producers to teach their kids. Some clients included members of Metallica, the Fugees, Lauren Hill band, Poison, Def Jam Records, and Arista Records.

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