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Here are just a few of the many teachers offering Guitar lessons in Chesapeake . Whether you are looking for beginner guitar lessons for your kids, or are an adult wanting to improve your skills, the instructors in our network are ready to help you now!
Instruments: Guitar
I have taught guitar lessons for the past 5 years and have taught a number of students. I strongly emphasize the importance of practice, patience, and diligence in learning and pursuing music. I believe that learning music is a skill that will carry one far in life as it is one of the few pursuits that is for the most part self-motivated. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Drums Bass Guitar Synthesizer Music Keyboard Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar
As the kid who always had a knack for useless facts, and an insatiable sponge for a brain needing to know how and why the world works- I have always been someone to share a little know how, and I know how to instill these things in an exciting way- whether it be a subject I've spent years filling my head with almost useless facts about things like the weird world of quantum physics, or my silly excitement in important, yet otherwise useless facts that might make ya think. Read More
Instruments: Guitar Bass Guitar Harmonica Ukulele Electric Guitar Acoustic Guitar
Teaching is a very fulfilling experience as it constantly requires you to examine your own playing and methods so that you can share your knowledge with people. I first discovered how rewarding it was when I started giving lessons after about 5 years of playing guitar. It made me a better guitar player and musician, and also helped me connect with people I never would have in a unique and exciting way. Read More
Instruments: Guitar
My name is Phillip, and I'm a passionate musician with a love for teaching. I started playing guitar when I was in 6th grade of middle school, and started taking lessons, and grew with experience from there. I went to college to study business and music, while also still taking lessons by my favorite instructor, Gary Rhum from Rhum Academy of Music, which is also where my teaching began. I volunteered to help with the Academy with upkeep, as well as teaching and instructing children in guitar. Read More
Instruments: Piano Guitar Voice Ukulele Music Keyboard Acoustic Guitar
I teach from my home studio. I teach private lessons and give my students my full attention which has proved to be the key to my continually increasing student enrollment and high retention rate. Music has been an integral part of my life, playing a major role in both my personal and professional life. I embrace the chance to be immersed in it, to share my enthusiasm for and expertise in the area of music education, promoting creative development and student performance skills. Read More
Instruments: Guitar Bass Guitar Acoustic Guitar
How do I know if my child is ready to start lessons?
First, are their hands big enough to wrap around the neck of the guitar? If yes, that's a good start. Do they show an interest in learning guitar? Are they into music in general? If yes, then I think they're ready to learn an instrument.
If a child is being forced to learn an instrument, it most likely won't go well. It needs to come from a place of curiosity and excitement. Granted, the child may go through spells of not wanting to play guitar while learning, but that's normal.
Do they have a natural passion to learn?
When will I start to see results?
I can't guarantee or promise results after a specific amount of time because the results a student sees are heavily dependant on their work ethic. How good a student gets at playing an instrument is up to how badly they want it and how often they intentionally practice.
Theoretically, though, a student who practices consistently and effectively should see improvement within the first couple of lessons. As they learn chords and strumming patterns, through practice and regular lessons, they should see a difference from when they first started.
Did you have a teacher that inspired you to go into music? How did they inspire you?
My uncle was a big inspiration for me as a beginner guitarist. He would do exactly what I now do with my students -- teach them a song they love. He would stay patient, often playing the part over and over again, waiting for me to get it. He would even jot down the chords and notes on how to play the strumming pattern.
He just wanted to share the joy of playing guitar. And I do that with my students.
Why did you choose your primary instrument?
My mom actually had a guitar that she never played, so that's what I would jam on before I really knew any chords. Also, lots of people I knew played guitar (like my uncle, brother, and friends), and it seemed like fun.
What advice do you have about practicing effectively?
Find a private place so you're not worried about people judging your developing skills. Practice your part(s) over and over again -- play the song, run through the scale, work on the strumming pattern, whatever it is. If you can, play along with the song you're learning.
Also, set a timer. Set the timer for at least 10 or 15 minutes (but 30 minutes is a good amount) and practice intentionally until that timer hits 00:00. This will help you avoid noodling on your guitar, daydreaming about being an awesome guitarist, or messing around on your phone.
23 Years
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Trusted as the industry leader, for over 21 years the teachers in our network have been providing Guitar lessons in Chesapeake to students of all ages and abilities.
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